Baggage Blues

Figuring what to pack is driving me crazy. No, wait. The Mister telling me not to pack too much is driving me crazy.

We will be in Europe from quite chilly days in England to fairly warm days in other countries. How do I pack for all that?!? My friend Barb reminds me that the people on the Titanic came with oodles of trunks which even contained art work and fine china and tuxedos. I like that idea -- all except the sinking part.

I am delighted that Kindle has solved one of my biggest dilemmas of packing. Instead of agonizing over which books (and how many) to lug with me, I have a virtual library on my Kindle app. Bliss! Makes me feel very Star Trekky.

But what about the rest of my stuff? I know, I know, my friend Diane traveled through Europe a few years ago with only a backpack. I, on the other hand, could not even fit my makeup, toiletries, hair products, and medicine into one backpack.

Travel guru Rick Steves writes that no one has ever returned from a trip wishing they had taken more. Rick isn't acquainted with me. I always regret leaving things at home. Forty years ago my boss's wife said she could go anywhere with just a bikini and a corkscrew. I was fairly impressed with that -- until I realized how "posturing" that statement is.

How can I wear the same 4-5 outfits for three months? But I'll have to. (On the photos I will post, see if the different scarves and jewelry items are working to give me some kind of variety. I'm counting on that trick.) But what about shoes? Purses? More importantly, my pens, notebooks, and paper? I think I will fail Packing 101.

Get ready, Mister.

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