Cars for Andrew, Cars for Felicity

During our stay in England, we have often said, "Oh, Andrew would like that vehicle!" or "I bet Felicity would like this car!"

So we took photos of some of the cars we saw, to share with the grandkids!

First, here's our rental car in our English town. Grandpa has liked driving it.

Below is the Bentley we already showed Andrew that he liked very much!

Here are some cars in different colors ...

Here are cars in regular colors ...

Below is a car that Grandpa really likes -- and so would James Bond, a character in books and movies that Grandpa enjoys. The car is an Aston-Martin. It was also parked in our village.

Below is a car that Gram really liked, that was parked in our village yesterday. We saw it when we were walking home from dinner. It's an old Bentley.

Here's Grandpa standing next to a really old-fashioned car ...

Just for fun, someone made a car frame out of wire, and then added green plants to grow in the middle. The person who designed this has to keep cutting the plants to keep the plants in the shape of the car!

Hope you had fun seeing these cars!



  1. Andrew wants to know if there are any more vine cars on your travels! Felicity says she likes pigs.


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