Mistake #2 of The Grand Tour

No, you didn't miss reading about Mistake #1. It was one day last week when we overdid it and went to another village at the end of the day instead of just heading back to our Burford cottage. Not a big deal, but we both said it was mistake.

Yesterday -- Downton Abbey day! (see my post yesterday) -- was when Mistake #2 happened.

Earl had read that if you climbed the footpath up Beacon Hill, you would get a great view of Highclere Castle. Since our reservation at the castle wasn't until noon, we decided to go early and follow the directions. The writers describing the climb said it was "steep" but we figured we'd be fine.

Big mistake.

Part one was climbing the footpath through the woods, with the roots making steps and sometimes, some additional stone was added where the path needed a lift.

We call this Part 1 of the climb. The path was winding, overgrown at times, extremely steep sometimes. We both did well, even though it was farther than we thought. Don't I look like a trouper?

Finally -- finally -- we came to a gate (below)...

... went through the gate. Would the top of Beacon Hill be here?
No. The trail widened but we were faced with what we call Part #2 (below).

We're kinda pooped at this point -- but heck, see the crest of the hill waaaaaay up at the top of this part?  We can make it! We climbed and climbed, taking breaks to rest ... but eventually we reached the top -- hooray! -- only to see this view (below):

Another hill, another path to -- maybe the real crest?!? We call this Part 3.

If you see two people and a dog on the top of the Part 3 crest (photo above), that's a 30-something couple from Belgium who passed us 20 minutes ago. Nice couple! Said they'd send their dog to help us if we needed it.

The Mister and I stopped at this point to admire the incredible view of English countryside.
We climbed a bit more of Part 3 but realized we weren't going to make it to the top -- wherever the top would be. Our legs hurt, our feet hurt, our hearts were racing -- and we were in a very deserted place.

So we started our descent, which as you hikers know is as difficult as the climb up. We chastised ourselves for not "acting our age" but managed to be of good spirits. After all, Highclere Castle was waiting for us.

We knew we would always wonder what Downton Abbey/Highclere Castle would have looked like from the top of Beacon Hill. This morning, I found a photo on TripAdvisor of what it looks like (below):

WHAT?!? You gotta be kidding me. We did all that climbing and regretted we didn't have what it takes to get to the crest -- for that view?!?

Like I said, Mistake #2. 


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