A Day in Munich

My husband is an amazing traveling companion. I could rent him out.

On Monday, we decided we wanted to spend the day in Munich on Tuesday. The next thing I know it's Tuesday and I'm riding an escalator up from the U-Bahn underground station (Munich's subway) -- and emerging right in Marienplatz, my favorite part of Munich!  It's like magic to come up an escalator right in the heart of a beautiful city.


The Mister had figured out how to get us there with the least amount of walking - to save our steps for exploring Munich. He drove us to a Park-N-Ride ... he figured out how to buy us train tickets (below) to Munich at a machine (no humans around) ...

... got us on the right train to take us right to the heart of it all!  As a reward, I kept my selfie requests to a minimum.

We had fun in Munich, Earl's favorite city in Europe. We thought so often of Elizabeth and Evan because the last time we were here it was with them, the summer Libby turned 18.

Just like when we had the kids with us, on Tuesday visited the Viktualienmarkt, a daily food market and a square in the center of Munich. Love to see the things at the stands (below) ...

... including mushrooms (below) a'plenty.

We stopped in the market and shared a treat (below) ...

Each town in Bavaria, no matter how big, is "allowed" only one Maypole and this market square is where Munich's is.

We visited some stores ... churches ... and along the way saw a sand-artist working on the "tail end" of his latest creation (below).

The Mister suggested we go to the English Garden, which is Munich's "Central Park," if you will.  He had visited there briefly on a business trip once but I had not been there. Down underground we went again ... and took the U-Bahn to emerge close to the English Garden (below)

We ate dinner in the biergarten there (below) ...

Time to be heading "home."  Earl even figured out how to catch a bus in the English Garden since we had wandered in so far, a bus to get us back to the U-Bahn station.

Before I end this blog, look at this photo of me (below), taken as we were leaving Marienplatz at the end of the day.  Yes, I know I look tired and my hair is straggly -- I got my hair cut the next day (not easy to do with a stylist who doesn't speak English) -- but that's not the point. Notice in this photo that I had lost my left earring -- a gold one and a real one.  Dang! I lost a nice silver earring in Charleston last fall, and another silver earring in Key West a few years.

Why do I only lose good earrings and only on vacation?!? I don't even own that many good ones. I guess the real question should be: why do I take good earrings on vacation?

When I got home and noticed in our bathroom mirror that my earring was gone, I started looking around the floor of the apartment. But it was this photo (above) which I looked at on my phone to see if I lost it earlier before we got home. Sure enough. I might not leave my heart in San Francisco, but I apparently leave my gold earring in Munich.

Thanks for reading my blog!


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