The Bavarian Beauty Contest

I'm trying to think of another place in the world where the outstanding natural beauty is competently rivaled by the incredible "man-made" beauty. Usually, a place has one or the other. Bavaria has both.

We drove to Berchtesgaden, Germany today ... and along the road, I smile and ooo and ahhh at the views outside my car window.

And then we get to the town. Wow! The color, the magic, the delight of Bavarian buildings is pure joy. Park the car and let's start walking these paved lanes.

Ordinary houses and other buildings are treated to distinctive colors, window boxes of geraniums, trim, and other details.

Even windows get special attention!


Homeowners and business owners seem to take such pride in how their building presents itself.

Hmmm. Is it because the outdoors is so gorgeous that when a person creates a structure she or he feels the need to be as grand as Mother Nature has been to this part of the world? Do you think that's possible? The prettier the setting, the more you want your creation to be grand, too?

The hand-painting on buildings! Is there another place in the world like Bavaria?

When I was admiring this painting (below), Earl pointed out that the two metal bars that protrude from the building work as a sundial -- or a sunnier day than today -- and cast shadows on the scroll that tell the time of day. How inventive -- and it's for passers-by to enjoy.

And my favorite building of all in Berchtesgaden? It's below ... it's breath-taking!

Keep in mind all the buildings on today's blog post were taken in ONE Bavarian town, a town I had never heard of before this trip!

Look up and the mountains are always there, and if you walk to the edge of town you see more natural beauty.

Here's to Bavarian beauty ... to Mother Nature and to the men and women who value aesthetics ... and make this world a better place.


Thanks for reading my blog.



  1. Good news! We got the "Comments" function working! Old comments are now posted, and new ones will be soon after writing them. - Earl, the I.T. Guy

  2. Yay! Comments!
    What a beautiful little town that you've discovered. Thanks for all the great pictures. You look so happy and beautiful, Jane. You fit right in.

  3. I did not spot the things you describe as making a sun dial but I will attempt to adjust the focus on my imagination for the future.

  4. Yay, the comments are back! Berchtesgaden looks gorgeous - how are cities so grand so unknown by most of the world?


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