"What I accomplished today" by Jane Jones

You're looking at it:

I made a purchase at a nearby store and they gave it to me in a bag that matches our room's wallpaper. I like how the bag looks sitting on our dresser. That's my accomplishment for Sunday.

Our go-go-go schedule in Paris finally caught up with us. When the alarm went off at 7:00 a.m. this morning so we could get showered and have breakfast and be ready to catch an Uber to be at the Opera House for an 11:00 tour, I said to The Mister, "I cannot move."  He moaned a bit himself and we agreed the best thing to do was turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. For three more hours.

So on a beautiful day in Paris, we slept in, read our books in a nearby park, went to a store a block away (hooray for an orange bag), had dinner at an outdoor cafe, and well, that's pretty much it.

The good news is that this is a short blog for you to read.
The bad news is that Earl and Jane are now 80 years old.
We don't deserve Paris. And tomorrow is our day to leave, to head to the Burgundy region.

Don't ever remind me of the day I was too lazy to explore Paris.

Since I usually share artwork with you on my blog, here are some images that come to mind, just so I don't disappoint.

I'd thank you for reading my blog, but I don't have enough energy. But I will tomorrow.



  1. Sounds like you needed the rest but the opera house should be on your next visit - spectacular. All the shopping bags I found to be like art - they sure aren’t Target bags.


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