Ahoy, cap'n!

Okay, I gave a fun, jaunty title to this post to lure you into reading. But you might want to just scroll through the first (yawn) part.

I spotted in a guide book the other day that you can take a boat tour of the shipping port of Zeebrugge, which is on the North Sea, close to Bruges. The Mister loves this kind of thing. Aren't I a wonderful wife?

Off we went today for a 90-minute harbor tour. Truth be told, I didn't hate it and even learned about shipping containers and such. I'll put some photos here (below) just so The Mister knows I didn't hate it. But he'll never know if you scroll very fast through these photos, starting with the boat we were on.

Had enough? Me, too. Ninety-minutes was just right. (Don't tell him I snuck some reading time in on my e-book when things got too boring.) Earl loved the tour and that makes me happy.

This evening we went walking to parts of Bruges we haven't been to (below) ...

The building below is Poortersloge (Burgher’s Lodge) and was built towards the end of the 14th century. It served was a meeting spot for the Society of the White Bear, the leading traders or  "burghers."

Hey, you'll be happy that I found the house I want to buy for when Earl and I move here. It's the white one, the tallest house in this photo (below). You can stay here while you're looking for your house!

Our eventual destination this evening -- after walking slowly over 5 canal bridges and about a half-mile of cobblestone streets -- was a pub called Vlissinghe (below), Bruges' oldest pub.

We saw this pub on a Rick Steves' program and made a point to come here. Vlissinghe was established in 1515 by this couple ...

Legend has it that they both lived to be over 100 and died on the same day. ("You go first." "No, you go first!")  We loved the pub!

A cool history and a nice atmosphere are enough for me ... but then the food was wonderful, especially the onion soup. I wasn't sure when the English menu said the "Ajuinsoep met Kaastoast" meant "onion soup with cheese on toast." But when they served it, the description made perfect sense (below)!

So from port to pub ... it was a memorable day.  Thanks for reading my blog!



  1. Fun. Good description of all the activities as always. So when do you sleep ?

    1. You're too funny because Earl and I often refer to ourselves as the laziest people ever . We really do goof off a lot but those would be boring blog photos, wouldn't they?


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