
Can you imagine time-traveling to, say, the year 1800 in America? Wouldn't you want to stop every person and ask if they were part of the fight for independence and freedom?

That's how I feel in Prague, especially today as America celebrates freedom. I want to stop people here and say, "Were you in the movement in 1989 that led to ending 41-years of Communist rule?"


In 1989, while I was being Mommy to a 9-year old and a 3-year old, people here were fighting for their freedom from Communism, in a movement called the Velvet Revolution.

For the first protest against Communism on November 17 ... 200,000 people showed up, mostly students and grandparents. The next demonstration, it was half a million people ... and the crowds didn't stop protesting, from November 17 to December 29, 1989. I stand in these squares and imagine them filled with people so hungry to be free.

Amazingly, this was a peaceful show of force by the people and no blood was shed, hence the name Velvet Revolution. 

The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia finally announced that it would relinquish power and dismantle the one-party state, ending 41 years of Communist rule.

I think it's interesting that during the demonstrations, people shook the keys in their pocket, as a symbol of "It's time for the Communists to go home." For the 20th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, this Eurodollar coin was issued (below). See the key as the clapper of the bell?

Earl and I saw this commemorative plaque (below) on a street the other day.

The decorations on the plaque itself and the fresh flowers below show that this is recent history in this town.

If I can't be at home watching the fireworks in Springboro tonight, at least I can be among people who were determined to be free and realized the strength in numbers. Some of us are born into freedom ... some worked hard for it ... all deserve it.

Have a great 4th of July! Thanks for reading my blog. Tomorrow we'll go back to my souvenir photos, I promise. (Wait! Was that a groan I heard?!?)



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